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Atex Global

Call +44 (0)800 7565305

Atex Certified Products and Solutions for Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Mining Industries.

ATEX Global specialise in providing rigorously tested, fully compliant equipment and hardware for use in the most demanding potentially explosive working environments around the world.

New products: Pumps

Here at Atex Global, we have added a new range of pumps to our extensive catalogue.

These ATEX pumps conform with 2014/34/UE Directive and therefore can be installed in potentially explosive atmospheres.

ATEX pumps are used to pump liquids, extract leachate in landfill, drain contaminated fluids and groundwater. They are rigorously tested and safe.

Which pump do I require?

  • The Maxifilter is installed with filtering pipes, for use in landfills where water with solid filamentous sediments and leachate is present.
  • The Derby EX is used for the collection of leachate in storage tanks, and the pumping of industrial waste water from wells or collecting reservoirs.
  • The Theta EX CROMA, Theta EX and Alpha EX are used for the pumping of liquids and extraction of leachate in landfill, drainage of contaminated fluids and groundwater, and
  • The ID Theta EX is ideal for use where fluids are contaminated by hydrocarbons.
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