ATEX PUMPS – What Users and Manufacturers Must Know

As of 20th April 2016 The ATEX Directives of European Union defined a new set of legal regulations for equipment that is to be used in areas subject to explosions and hazard. Users, Manufacturers and distributors must keep up to date since old certificates are no longer valid and users that combine equipment such as pumps, couplings and engines for example would have to follow these guidelines.

On 20th April 2016 The explosion protection product regulation 11th ProdSV came into force with which the ATEX Product Directive 2014/34/EU has been transposed into national German legislation. Even though this is not associated with major amendments in terms of explosion protection, the manufacturers, designers and users of equipment should familiarise themselves most important changes.  

All out pumps meet these standards and can be source from the following range

Click here for full range

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