What are the best pump options that can be used for pumping contaminated and hazardous liquids and what applications can these types of pumps be found in.

What pumps are best suited for moving contaminated and hazardous liquids in industries such as oil, gas, landfills and pharmaceutical industries.

In some industries such as in the Oil & Gas industries, pharmaceutical industries, landfill plants and other chemical plants; it is important to use the correct pump that is suited to your application. When choosing your pump you make sure you choose a pump that can cope with moving the resulting liquids that are harmful to the normal materials that would be used in similar water pumps and other pumping systems.

In the Oil & Gas industries the processes that such installations deploy can produce contaminated waste that must be moved and contained. In which case the pump itself must have the right materials to deal with these hydrocarbons and other harmful liquids. These must be resistant to heat and be ATEX certified and also be certified to deal with corrosion by selection of the right materials such as PTFE, PVDF, PP.

For certain applications it is important to consider what materials the pump is made of. It should be tested for not only its compatibility with the liquids but also its resistance to the temperature that those liquids will meet.

This chart below could be a good indication to which pump to use, whether you are moving containment liquids out of slopes and from surrounding areas or controlling of all any substances in any refinery or plant always make sure that your pumping equipment meets the correct standards and are certified to move the waste:

Electric pumps for contaminated liquids used in remediation and decontamination

Electric pumps suitable for polluted liquids, also by hydrocarbons, to capture waterflow from barrier wells, in order to prevent the migration of contaminants.

ATEX electric pumps for the pumping of hydrocarbons and contaminated liquids
from slopes of refineries and petrochemical industries.

We offer a range of pumps to suit these applications please follow the link for more information.

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