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Atex Global

Call +44 (0)800 7565305

Atex Certified Products and Solutions for Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Mining Industries.

ATEX Global specialise in providing rigorously tested, fully compliant equipment and hardware for use in the most demanding potentially explosive working environments around the world.

Atex Earthing Clamps


Introducing a selection of specialist earthing solutions including cables, monitoring systems and clamps. Potentially tough working environments require products with ATEX certification to be able to withstand such environments.

Atex Global makes setting up harsh working areas easier by providing equipment that is resistant to accidental misplacement or mechanical dislodge.

Key Features

Our products are characterised by:

  • made from stainless steel
  • compatible with ECS monitoring systems listed below
  • meets the requirements of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and ATEX Zone 1/21

Check our range below or get in touch with our team today.

Atex Earthing Clamps use

These Atex earthing clamps are engineered for use for electrical insulation and are assessed for sources of stored energy and their ability to cause a spark if the energy is released in hazardous areas.

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