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Atex Global

Call +44 (0)800 7565305

Atex Certified Products and Solutions for Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Mining Industries.

ATEX Global specialise in providing rigorously tested, fully compliant equipment and hardware for use in the most demanding potentially explosive working environments around the world.

Ecom 1071-Ex – Atex Ultrasonic Tester

With the 1071-Ex measurements of wall thicknesses can be made quickly and accurately in the range of 0.7 to 400 mm.

There are three different probes available to cover this wide measuring range, each of which can be easily and conveniently changed inside the hazardous area.

  • standard probe: 1.5 to 250 mm
  • mini probe: 0.7 to 25 mm
  • low frequency probe: 5 to 400 mm

Due to its compact size and operating time of over 200 hours, this easy to use instrument is essential whenever the continuous supervision of minimum wall thicknesses is required.

For example, it is possible to check the thickness of protective coats or for the erosion of pipe or tank walls even while the plant is operating.

By using the limit value guides, minimum and maximum values can be set and are registered by an audible signal.

The calibration functionality of the in- strument means that adjustments can be made to compensate for the type of ma- terial being measured, this is done by one of two ways:

1. entering the sound velocity of the corresponding material
2. measuring a material with known thick- ness and adjusting the instrument to that reference.

These adjusted parameters then stay in the memory even when switching off the instrument. Display resolution and sensi- tivity are also fully adjustable and as with all the other functions, are easily selected from the straightforward menu.

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The Ecom 1071 Ex is supplied with:

  • Primary Cells
  • Carry Case
  • 100 ml of ultrasound couplant gel
  • Leather case
  • Instruction Manual
Ecom 1071 Ex Data
Dimensions120 x65 x 25 mm
Operating Temp-10°C … 40°C
Storage Temp – 20°C … 60°C (without batteries)
Power Supply 2 x AA to IEC LR6, type approved
Operating time 200 hours continuous operation 1-2 years stand-by
Instrumentoperation permitted in Zone 1
Probes– operation permitted in Zone 0
– can be exchanged in hazardous areas
– standard sensor, operating temperature
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