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Atex Global

Call +44 (0)800 7565305

Atex Certified Products and Solutions for Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Mining Industries.

ATEX Global specialise in providing rigorously tested, fully compliant equipment and hardware for use in the most demanding potentially explosive working environments around the world.

Weatherproof Signalling Bell AWS

Signalling Bell with up to approx. 110 dB(A) (depends on dome size) Application: Indoors and Outdoors, IP55 Housing: Seawater resistant Aluminium, Dome steel (powder-coated) Different Dome Sizes: 150 mm, 250 mm as a flat dome AC and DC versions available Available as: Fast stroke or single stroke Special version with integrated telephone call relay.

FHF21164507Bell AWS 150 mm dome 230VAC call relay
FHF21164707Bell AWS 250 mm dome 230VAC call relay
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