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Atex Global

Call +44 (0)800 7565305

Atex Certified Products and Solutions for Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Mining Industries.

ATEX Global specialise in providing rigorously tested, fully compliant equipment and hardware for use in the most demanding potentially explosive working environments around the world.

Weatherproof Multi Colour LED Light ActiveLine GH2

Signalling Lamp as an intelligent alternative to normal stack lights with wall bracket
Application: Machine Building, Indoors and Outdoors (IP65)
5 different colours in only one lamp 3 different modes (steady, blinking, flashing) in one lamp
Pure LED technology
High lifetime Power supply 24 VDC or 230 VAC
Wall bracket integrated

Following variants are available: 

FHF22630702ActiveLine Lamp GH2 230VAC
FHF22631302ActiveLine Lamp GH2 24VDC
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